Enter a Domain or an IP Address for Whois Lookup

The following WHOIS search has been provided to you to help search for domain names, their availably, ownership information, as well as verifying the name server information, and expiration of domains.

What is WHOIS?

Pronounced 'Who Is', WhoIs Lookup is a tool that allows you to initiate a "query and response protocol that is widely used for querying databases that store the registered users or assignees of an Internet resource" and more. WhoIs is a utilitarian tool that can be used to effectively look up information on any domain name.

Individuals such as webmasters and businesses like Internet Service Providers (ISPs) as well as government agencies use the data available in the WhoIs database frequently. Owing to this, WhoIs has become one of the most detailed and searched databases all over the world.

What information can you get from WhoIs Lookup?

By using a whois IP Lookup tool, you will be able to access the archived information pertaining to a specific domain name. You may be able to access information that is personal or business related. For example, a general WhoIs lookup will throw up a variety of information like the ownership of the domain name, registration of the domain, its expiration date, status information as well as name servers, and more. Performing a WhoIs Lookup may also offer you pertinent information such as the physical address, email address, and phone numbers of the concerned individuals/businesses who own the domain.

What is the WhoIs database?

WhoIs is a protocol that is used to gain and maintain information about domain names, IP addresses as well as other Internet resources. WhoIs services are operated through and can be accessed by WhoIs servers. A WhoIs server is a database that stores all the pertinent records for registered users and assignees through ISPs. The data is stored in a format that is human-readable. The WhoIs Protocol is completely documented in RFC 3912.

Privacy Settings

Some domain name registrars prefer to enable WhoIs Privacy. By doing this, they may be trying to ensure that some specific information remains hidden or camouflaged. WhoIs privacy settings may also be enabled to prevent the automated collection of the information on the WhoIs databases. By its very nature, information on the WhoIs database is 100 percent publicly accessible. But by enabling the WhoIs privacy settings, domain name registrars may choose to block your WhoIs lookup. In such a case, the information you receive on performing a WhoIs Lookup may be watered down or invisible.

If the privacy settings are not enabled, you will receive personal and contact information, as well as important information about the IP you are looking up. For example, the number of IP addresses that are grouped together in the assigned range and more.