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Thank you for visiting WhatIsMyPublicIP.com! We really hope that you enjoy the site and the tools it has to offer. We would love to hear from you. Whether you have a question about your public IP address, need assistance using any of the tools on the site, or you have some feedback or suggestions for us, we want to know what's on your mind.
Network related issues can be tough to handle. Sometimes even advanced Internet users come across a stumbling block that they can't seem to jump over. For new users, IP addresses can be confusing. WhatIsMyPublicIP.com's primary focus is to help users who have network related troubleshooting issues. The resources available on the site can help you soak up the information that you need.
The WhoIs Lookup will help you search for domain names, their availability, the names/information about the domain registrar, and so forth. It will also help you verify the name server information and check the expiration date of the domains.
Tools on our website are designed to be easy to use and quick to give results. The WhoIs Lookup page is no exception. All you need to do is input the domain name or IP address you want to look up in the text box. After inserting either bits of information, simply click the "Lookup" button and let the tool do its work!
The Internet Speed Test on WhatIsMyPublicIP.com is a one-click tool that allows you to check the speed between your computer and the Broadband Checker's servers. It does this by downloading a small file to collate and measure the download speed. Once the download speed has been calculated, the same file is uploaded to check the upload speed. In no time, you will receive the results of the test.
All you have to do is click on the "Start Speed Test" button and the test will begin. If you wish to do the test again, simply click the "Start Speed Test Again" button.
If your questions haven't already been answered, and you would like to get in touch with us, use the Contact Form to do so. Enter your name, ask your question/give your feedback, and enter a valid email address that we can send our responses to. We look forward to hearing from you!